Stephen King's 99c Kindle Single - Guns
It is as just as well he has that story of righteous action to draw on otherwise his fiction laced with horror and violence may be seen by some as discrediting his just released Kindle Single, Guns.
Described by The Washington Post as a 'passionate call for greater gun control' Guns is a fascinating entry into the US gun control debate by one of the world's most popular author and in an innovative new form of publishing.
The idea of 'singles' being short stories or in this case, an essay, that can be read in one sitting is making a comeback thanks to digital publishing.
That King could release so quickly a 'book' length response to a current issue and for just 99c is one of the first main stream examples of how the changing face of writing and publishing might impact policy and culture.
The Washington Post quotes David Blum, an Amazon editor: “King finished this essay last Friday morning, and by that night we had accepted it and scheduled for publication today.”
To see what a Kindle Single looks like and to read King's 'passionate call' for yourself, click the Guns cover picture in this post.
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